Join a SPARTAN Committee Committee Interest Form Name First Last Institution Email PhoneI am interested in joining the Communications Committee - Provides medical and scientific content for SPARTAN quarterly newsletters and SPARTAN social media platforms and website. Meets quarterly to plan and develop newsletters and social media posts. Education Committee - Develops educational programs for rheumatologists and non-rheumatologists on SpA. Organizes the annual Spondyloarthritis Review Course at the annual meeting and the annual ACR Convergence adjacent symposium on axSpA and PsA (with GRAPPA and ASAS). Governance Committee - Meets quarterly to reviews and approves SPARTAN membership applications. Reviews applications for the SPARTAN Board of Directors and nominations for the Research Career Achievement Award. Reviews and makes recommendations on SPARTAN bylaws as needed. Must be SPARTAN Full Member. Research Committee - Develops SPARTAN research initiatives and grant programs. Organizes the peer review of SPARTAN grant applications and of trainee abstract submissions for the annual meeting. Meets as needed to manage these responsibilities.. Annual Meeting Planning Committee - Develops the programming for the SPARTAN annual meeting. Oversees logistics including marketing, registration, virtual platform selection, post-meeting evaluation. Works with the Communications Committee for comprehensive marketing strategy. Begins planning the summer before the spring meeting and meets as needed. Publications Committee - Ensures that publications endorsed by SPARTAN or produced by SPARTAN initiatives meet high standards of quality and achieve prominent visibility within the general community and among SpA stakeholders. Finance Committee - Assists Treasurer with developing the budget and overseeing the SPARTAN financial holdings and investment policies. Must be SPARTAN Full Member. I am a Full Member Associate Member Trainee Member Please describe your interest in this committee: Δ