The SPARTAN Annual Meeting organizing committee invites trainees to submit an abstract to the annual meeting taking place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from May 8 – May 10, 2025. The deadline for submission is February 28, 2025.
All abstracts will be evaluated by members of the abstract selection committee, composed of SPARTAN members. Scientifically sound abstracts with relevance to spondyloarthritis (basic, clinical or translational research) will be accepted for poster presentation.
The highest ranked abstracts will be invited for oral presentations and receive a $1000 travel award for a future SpA meeting.
The poster session opens at the Annual Meeting Welcome Reception (Thursday, May 8 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm).
Trainees include students, residents, fellows and postdoctoral fellows. Results should not already have been published in a peer-reviewed journal. Abstracts presented at other meetings within one year are eligible for submission. Abstracts submitted to the SPARTAN Annual meeting may also be submitted to the ACR Convergence meeting. Logistics: We will support travel and hotel for all trainees, including those with accepted abstracts, and expect attendance at all sessions of the SPARTAN Annual Meeting including the Spondyloarthritis Review Course on May 8. Abstract Format: Additional instructions: · Titles: Titles should be brief, representing the nature of the research. Use mixed case (do not use all caps) and do not put a period at the end of the title. · Authors: Please consult with your co-authors on how they would like their names to appear. There is no limit on the number of authors for each abstract. All authors must disclose any relevant financial relationship(s) at the time of abstract submission. · Content: Organize content as follows: · Background: Background or Statement of Purpose · Methods: Methods, materials and analytical procedure used · Results: Summary of the results in sufficient detail to support conclusion · Conclusion: Conclusions reached (do not state “results will be discussed”). · Use of Product Names: The generic name should be used in your abstract. The proprietary drug name may appear once in parentheses in the title only. However, if a drug has not received FDA approval, only the non-proprietary name may be used in the title and abstract content. · Abbreviations: Place abbreviations in parentheses after the first time the full word appears. Do not abbreviate compounds in the title of the abstract. Use numerals to indicate numbers, except when beginning sentences. Any work with human or animal subjects reported in submitted abstracts must comply with the guiding principles for experimental procedures found in the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association. |