Poster Abstract Presentation
Poster presentations facilitate one-on-one interaction between the presenters and attendees. Posters will be displayed at the welcome reception Thursday, May 18 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Presenting authors must be available at their posters to answer questions from attendees. The posters will remain on display through Friday.
Virtual Poster Gallery
Posters must be submitted in .pdf format with the highest resolution possible by May 5, 2023
This pdf should be the same or as similar to the printed poster as possible
We recommend the use of sans-serif fonts and font size of at least 8pt for legibility
The poster should be a self-contained document that does not lead to additional content hosted elsewhere.
Poster Display Times
Please plan to mount your poster on Thursday, May 18 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. You can do this before or during breaks in the Spondyloarthritis Review Course.
Specification Requirements
The backboard panel for each poster presentation board measures 44 inches (111.76 cm) high and 90 inches (228.6 cm) wide. Posters should be printed horizontally and not exceed the size of the presentation board. 44” x 90”
- A copy of the accepted abstract must be included on poster or made available to attendees (“hand-out”).
- Text and illustrations must be readable from distances of at least three feet. Use lightweight materials only; heavy articles are difficult to secure.
- Disclosures must never include the use of a trade name or a product-group message and must be listed once at the bottom of the poster.
- Posters may be broken down into several smaller portions, but must not exceed the size of the presentation board.
- Posters will be mounted on display board with push pins to mount materials that will be available on site.
- No audiovisual, projection or computer equipment requiring electrical power will be permitted in the poster session area.
SPARTAN Policy Regarding Third-Party Bias
In accordance to SPARTAN policy, abstracts selected for oral or poster presentation must be free of bias.
- Do not reference any company/product brand names during your presentation. However, institution logos (e.g., non-company/product logos such as universities, non-profit associations and government agencies) are allowed in the body of your presentation.
- SPARTAN requires that educational materials, such as slides, abstracts and handouts, not contain any advertising, trade names or a product- group message.
- Disclosures must never include the use of a trade name or a product-group message.
- For oral presentations, disclosures must be listed on the second slide of each presentation.
- For poster presentations, disclosure must be listed once at the bottom of the poster.
Presenting Author Responsibilities
The presenter is required to speak English when presenting, as this is the designated language for the meeting. The presenting author will be the sole point of contact for information regarding the submission and is responsible for the following:
- Ensuring each co-author is aware of the content of the abstract and supports its data. Failure to receive approval from each co-author will result in the abstract being disqualified.
- Presenting the abstract or arranging for a co-author to present the abstract if it is selected. (Only co-authors listed on the accepted abstract may serve as alternate presenting author.)
- Appointing a co-author to present the abstract in your absence if a schedule conflict is identified before the meeting, (i.e., if you have accepted an invitation to participate as an invited speaker or moderator).
Presenting Author Affirmations
SPARTAN does not condone presentations given by an invited presenter who has not been intimately involved in the development of the data and who cannot meet the criteria for authorship. To be eligible to present, authors should confirm agreement with the following affirmation statements:
- I confirm I had full access to all of the data in the study, and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis and approved the data for presentation.
- I confirm I made significant contributions to the study design, analysis or interpretation of results.
Copyright Policy
The annual meeting is a private event. Programs presented at the meeting are for the education of attendees or other learners as authorized by SPARTAN. The information and materials displayed and presented during this meeting are the property of the presenter and cannot be photographed, copied, photocopied, transformed to electronic format, reproduced, or distributed without written permission of SPARTAN and the presenter. Any use of the program content for commercial purposes, which includes, but is not limited to oral presentations, audiovisual materials used by speakers, and program handouts without the written consent of all authors is prohibited. This policy applies before, during and after the meeting.
The names, insignias, logos and acronyms of SPARTAN are proprietary marks. Use of the names in any fashion, by any entity, for any purpose, is prohibited without the express written permission of SPARTAN. Attendees who have questions about the SPARTAN’s copyright policy should contact Lisa Spiegel
SPARTAN may enter into agreements with publishers allowing materials presented at the meeting to be considered for publication in online or printed media. Acceptance at the meeting does not guarantee acceptance by these publishers and the decision to publish meeting materials lies solely with the publisher. Authors are not required to submit their materials presented at the meeting to these publishers for publication.
Representative of consumer, trade, non-profit, and other organizations, may attend the annual meeting. These organizations may report, in various formats, the information presented in all SPARTAN sessions and are therefore, these organizations are regarded as “media”. Media may use hand-held audio recorders and still cameras; moving video recording is also permitted with the permission of the presenter(s). The exception to this policy is that no photos or video are allowed of slides or posters.